Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu (PST) BPS Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat melayani pada pukul 08.00 sd 15.30 WIT setiap hari kerja. Untuk Layanan Online masih dibuka melalui: surel: atau Nomor Whatsapp: 0821-9793-2750. Terima kasih The Integrated Statistics Service (PST) of BPS Seram Bagian Barat Regency serves from 08.00 to 15.30 WIT every working day. For Online Services it is still open via: email: or Whatsapp Number: 0821-9793-2750. Thank you
Refreshing Survei Harga Produsen 2025
January 12, 2025 | Other Activities
Harga Produsen (SHP) is one of the surveys carried out at Badan
Pusat Statistik (BPS) of West Seram Regency. The implementation of the SHP in 2025 began with refreshing the SHP enumeration material which was carried out online on January 12 2025. The material was presented by Septin F. P. Wenno, S.Si. This was attended by 7 participants who were field enumerators.
Data collection was carried out in 38 provinces in Indonesia, covering 508 districts/cities to accommodate survey coverage and sample targets. The research units in this survey are small, medium and large scale producers/companies that produce goods/services. The number of samples of companies/businesses in all provinces is 20,171 companies/businesses. The sample allocation of companies/businesses in each district/city is proportional to the total business population. BPS West Seram Regency received 62 samples of companies/businesses from 709 samples allocated to BPS Maluku Province. This number of samples increased from the previous year when BPS West Seram Regency only received 4 samples of companies/businesses.